The Tao which I’m reading in several translations never fails to provide a riddle to contemplate during the day. “Something in nothing, something in nothing” for instance. Or “when the bellows are empty they are not finished.” This got me to thinking about death. Our last breath is an out breath. Our bellows are empty. If, according the Tao Te Ching , the bellows are not finished, what then? Something to think about. The vastness of our connection to the universe which is perhaps shortchanging the expanse which we can only experience. Thoughts seem too restrictive.
Mahatma Gandhi contemplates non-violence in Russell Square, London. He chose a radical approach to revolution. Refusal to participate. How I participate is more at the forefront of my actions. It’s quiet radicalism which I believe has purpose in today’s polarized world. Thoughtful regard towards what is influencing my participation or non-participation is a worthy practice for me.
- I added content:
- A swim vacation in Croatia
- books
- and random thoughts for 2025
I’ve been trying to grow passionflower vine for years. A few years back I purchased seeds in Barcelona and have had failures in germination. But, two years ago a three seeds did thrive and survive a relocation journey from Santa Fe to Virginia. And what a lovely prize this summer including fruit. How aptly named this Passiflora.