Monday November 2, 2020. It’s been a struggle to use words to describe the last season and now a third of the way through the next. Darkness envelopes this time of year and from my desk, the southern sun encroaches, but it is softer than the summer blaze.

Harvest from the garden has shelves bursting with abundance. Fermenting has become a passion. There are many sources to avail yourself in this amazing, flavorful world of preserving. Here are a few: cultures group, Kobo Fermentary , Pascal Baudar and many others!

Art is important. Joaquin Sorolla is a new favorite. This is The Horse’s Bath.

Trees. They are marvelous. This old cottonwood at the Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve in Santa Fe provided a morning of solace and comfort in a time of uncertainty. But strictly speaking, isn’t uncertainty reality? Who can predict the future. It is best to rest in the present.

Finally Water. Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui asks the question and shares the passion. This summer and in to the fall, a few gal pals and I enjoyed lakes in New Mexico. Driving there amidst gorgeous scenery was part of the fun, but the swimming compelled us. Read my take on Why We Swim, here.