Spring 2015



If the astrologers and numerologists have prognosticated with precision, the total solar eclipse, coupled with the spring equinox and its position in the zodiac calendar, it points to an 11:11 portal. I read about this on numerologist.com and I found it interesting.  Any opportunity to begin again, renew, in essence, be reborn in some fashion or another, is an opportunity to grow, change and let go of habits, thoughts, and all those other annoying things we do to ourselves that don’t serve a higher purpose.  I’m in.

I’ll be adding some travels to Baja, more garden musings (I’

Blue Poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) at the Explorers Garden in Pitlochry, Scotland

m going to try and cultivate some blue poppies…) and  other items that might be seasonally appropriate.The photo heading for this spring is the laburnum arch in bloom at Bodnant Gardens in Conwy, Wales.  It’s breathtaking if you happen upon it during its two to three week bloom.IMG_0323
Fair weather for all!

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Seasonally Appropriate