Greetings World! This is grumpy Winter as illustrated by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Oddly, my winter feelings rather enjoy the early dark evenings and the occasional cloudy days. In Santa Fe, we are gifted with amazingly beautiful blue cloudless days. That said, we need precipitation badly. So bring it on! The year has been epic. I’m still working on processing the changes our lives will take when we “emerge” into the new normal.
There is much gratitude for personal health and sadness for the millions who are suffering in many ways. Grief for the countless deaths. Is there a silver lining? Realization of our interconnectedness? The fragility and unpredictable nature of life itself perhaps lending us a more focussed, intentional daily life? Making more of an effort to reach out to others? Appreciation of physical touch, the visual importance of smiles?

These bobcat kits were with their mother in our garden, exploring while she watched from a distance. There are new book updates, a note on Isabelle de Brochgrave and a link to a fabulous doc on the floral design high priest, Makoto Azuma, in this winter issue. Don’t forget to set some intentions for the New Year. Peace on Earth.